David Ahern

Communications and International Affairs specialist.

Nationalism, identity & ideology; Europe & Latin America.

Habla español i bardziej mniejszy mówie po polsku.

At a Glance


Broad, cross-cutting experience that underlies an ability to rapidly adapt to new environments and challenges.


Extensive background in research and analysis. Expert in information discovery, assessment, and composition.


Precision in language and meaning. Delivering the right message to the right audience.

Who is this guy?

At the core of my work is a profound respect for information and the importance of messaging.

The ability to converse with incomplete and faulty information to define a context, make assessments, and strategically reach an audience are necessary to identify and solve any problem.

More importantly, effective communication is an exercise in respect; respect for your audience to use information, and the respect to understand how it meets their perspective. While disinformation is now accepted as a widespread threat, it is simple to confront. More complex is the unintended harm caused when well-meaning messengers distrust their audience.

It’s difficult to deliver a message without understanding your audience. It’s impossible without respect.

Research and Analysis

Work Samples

Deeply experienced in short and long-form research and analysis. Academic, private, and public audiences.

The new nuclear anxiety

Commentary, 2022

Peruvian President Vizcarra

Peru’s reformer president erodes democratic norms

Opinion, 2020

Lithuania Seimas

Democratic hollowing in Lithuania

Extended analysis, 2020

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